Click here to view PLENARY SESSION PRESENTATIONS Instruction for Speakers and Chairs ICAPP 2017 Program Book
Click here to view PLENARY SESSION PRESENTATIONS Online Version of Proceedings Instruction for Speakers and Chairs
ICAPP 2017 Program Book
Welcome and Opening Plenary Session (Fukui) Open Session
Chair Kazushige Bunno, General Manager, The Kansai Electric Power Co., Inc.
Welcome Address Hideki Toyomatsu, Director, Executive Vice President, Chief Nuclear Officer, The Kansai Electric Power Co., Inc.
Yoshiaki Oka, Chairman, Japan Atomic Energy Commission
Mitsuru Uesaka, AESJ President, Professor, The University of Tokyo (ICAPP2017 Honorary Chair)
A New Paradigm in Nuclear Power Safety

Since the Fukushima Daiichi Accident in 2011, improvements and strengthening of nuclear safety have been discussed and implemented worldwide as well as in Japan. This session highlights and discusses key efforts and prospects under a new paradigm in nuclear safety.

Co-Chairs Akira Yamaguchi, Professor, The University of Tokyo
Tatjana Jevremovic, Team Leader for WCR Technology Development, Nuclear Power Technology Development Section, IAEA
New Regulatory Requirements and Actions for Nuclear Safety since Fukushima Dai-ichi Accident
Mitsuhiro Kajimoto, Director, Division of Research for Severe Accident, Regulatory Standard and Research Department, The Secretariat of the Nuclear Regulation Authority
The United States' Nuclear Safety Improvements and Regulation Trends since Fukushima
Bradley Adams , Engineering Vice President, Southern Nuclear Operating Company (ICAPP2017 Honorary Chair)
Post-Fukushima safety in France: new paradigm or normal evolution?
Thierry Charles, Deputy Director General, in charge of Nuclear Safety, IRSN
Regulatory Approach for Nuclear Safety Improvements in Korea after Fukushima Daiichi Accident
In Goo Kim, Executive Vice President, Korea Institute of Nuclear Safety
What Constitutes Nuclear Safety: The True Lessons from Nuclear Disasters
William D. Magwood, IV, NEA Director-General, OECD
Panel Session (Fukui) Open Session

Plant Lifecycle Management & Long Term Operation
Most of the existing nuclear power plants were constructed and have been in commercial operation since the 1970s. Long-term use of existing power plants is a major solution to reduce greenhouse gas and to produce economical electricity. Many plants have had their design lifetime of 40 years extended, and developments toward an 80 year-lifetime are being conducted throughout the world. This panel session highlights recent advances and future developments for plant lifecycle management and long-term operation beyond 40 years old.

Moderator Naoto Sekimura, Professor, The University of Tokyo
Panelists Garry G. Young, Director, License Renewal, Entergy Services, Inc.
Akihiro Yamamoto, Section Chief, Aging Managing Specialist, Nuclear Safety Measures Division, Fukui Prefectural Government
Abderrahim Al Mazouzi, EDF Lab. Les Renardières Depart. of Materials and Mechanics of components
Zhengcao Li, Professor, School of Materials Science and Engineering Tsinghua University, Beijing, China
Plenary Session 1 (Kyoto)

Nuclear Energy International Outlook
Worldwide, key efforts are underway to accelerate the effective utilization of existing and new nuclear energy infrastructure. This plenary session will highlight key policy around the world, and discuss future directions for the role of nuclear energy.

Co-Chairs Mitsuru Uesaka, AESJ President, Professor, The University of Tokyo (ICAPP2017 Honorary Chair)
Jik-Lae Jo, EVP, Head of Nuclear Division, Kepco E&C
Global trends in utilization and development of nuclear power
Dohee Hahn, Director, Division of Nuclear Power, Department of Nuclear Energy, IAEA
Current Situation of Japan's Nuclear Energy Policy
Noriaki Ozawa, Director-General for Energy and Environmental Policy, Agency for Natural Resources and Energy, Ministry of Economy Trade and Industry
Electrification and the Global Role of Nuclear Power
Neil M. Wilmhurst, Vice President and CNO, Electric Power Research Institute
The French nuclear sector - latest developments
Sunil Felix, Conseiller Nucléaire, Ambassade de France au Japon
Status and Role of Nuclea Power in Korea
Jong Ho Lee, EVP, Head of Technology and Engineering Division, KHNP
Presented by Jik-Lae Jo, EVP, Head of Nuclear Division, Kepco E&C
Plenary Session 2 (Kyoto)

New Plant Designs and Construction
New reactor technologies ranging from advanced light water reactors, to light water small modular reactors (SMRs), to Generation IV reactors are in development, some in licensing and others at the construction stage. This plenary session will highlight current design, licensing and deployment efforts.

Co-Chairs Akio Yamamoto, Professor, Nagoya University
Sunil Felix, Conseiller Nucléaire, Ambassade de France au Japon
Japanese plant manufacturers' activities for new nuclear power plants
Nobuo Tada, The Japan Electrical Manufacturers' Association
Investing in U.S. Energy Infrastructure: Advanced Nuclear Plants
Maria Korsnick, President, Nuclear Energy Institute
Introduction to New Nuclear Power Reactors under Development in Korea
Jik-Lae JO, EVP, Head of Nuclear Division, Kepco E&C
High Power VVER Design. Reference Design and Its Localization
Sergey Svetlov, Chief Expert in Design Engineering, ROSATOM
AP1000 Plant Hot Functional Testing at Sanmen-1 and Haiyang-1
Richard F. Wright, PhD Consulting Engineer, Advanced Reactor Technology, Westinghouse Electric Company
IAEA Activities in New Plants Design and Construction
Tatjana Jevremovic, Team Leader for WCR Technology Development, Nuclear Power Technology Development Section, IAEA
Plenary Session 3 (Kyoto)

Nuclear Fuel Cycle and Sustainability
For sustainable use of nuclear power energy, it is important to establish the nuclear fuel cycle. Even the countries adopting the One-Through Policy would also need to advance measures for waste management, including spent fuel disposal. In this session, current status and issues concerning the establishment of the nuclear fuel cycle including the fast reactor, plant decommissioning, waste management and spent fuel measures will be highlighted.

Co-Chairs Yuji Arita, Professor, University of Fukui
Bernard Boullis, Director, Nuclear Fuel Cycle Back-end Programs, Nuclear Energy Division, CEA
Current State and Future Perspective of Commercial Nuclear Fuel Cycle in Japan
Harukuni Tanaka, Fellow, Japan Nuclear Fuel Ltd.
Nuclear fuel cycle and Fast reactor development in France
Bernard Boullis, Director, Nuclear Fuel Cycle Back-end Programs, Nuclear Energy Division, CEA
EnergySolutions Nuclear Power Plant Decommissioning
Colin Austin, Senior Vice President, EnergySolutions
70 Years of waste management in challenging and evolving nuclear market
Stefan Bergström, President of Consultancy Services, Studsvik AB
Plenary Session 4 (Kyoto)

Fukushima Report
Since the Fukushima Daiichi Accident in 2011, various measures have been taken globally to regain trust in the use of nuclear power. In Japan, although decommissioning of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plants and soil decontamination are being steadily advanced, there are still many issues to be solved. In this session, decommissioning technologies used at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plants will be highlighted, as well as measures for the return of residents, and current status and issues concerning risk communication.

Co-Chairs Takanori Tanaka, Managing Director, the Institute of Applied Energy
Rosa Yang, Fellow, Electric Power Research Institute
Decommissioning of the Fukushima Daiichi NPP - Now and the Future Plan -
Toshihiko Fukuda, Managing Director, Nuclear Damage Compensation and Decommissioning Facilitation Corporation Technological Strategy Group (NDF)
Overview of IRID R&D Projects
Atsufumi Yoshizawa, International Research Institute for Nuclear Decommissioning (IRID)
Three Mile Island Accident and Recovery Decontamination and Decommissioning
Lake Barrett, President, L. Barrett Consulting LLC
Decontamination Outside the Plant
Seiji Ozawa, Deputy Director General, Headquaters for Fukushima Environmental Restoration, Ministry of Environment, Japan
Exchanging with Stakeholders for Informed Decisions
Wolfgang Weiss, Bureau of the OECD/NEA Committee on Radiological Protection and Public Health
Young Generations Program

Student and Young Generations Award
Students, researchers, engineers and professionals under the age of 35 are encouraged to actively participate in the ICAPP 2017 Student and Young Generation Award by submitting high quality technical papers on various aspects of nuclear technology. Papers which have been accepted to one of the technical tracks will be reviewed and selected authors will be awarded during the banquet on Thursday, 27 April 2017. To qualify for this award, candidates must be the first author of a paper, or equivalent leading author who can submit a written certificate by a responsible coauthor when requested. Candidates are also required to participate in this congress and make an oral presentation in technical sessions.

The final selection will be made by the international referees evaluating the paper and its presentation with respect to the quality of the research, significance and originality in the field. About 5 prizes each will be awarded to students and researchers, engineers and professionals under the age of 35.

Special Session & Networking Dinner
Young Generation Network (YGN) of the Atomic Energy Society of Japan (AESJ) would cordially like to invite students, researchers, engineers and professionals under the age of 35 participating in ICAPP2017 to our special session and networking dinner, to be organized as a part of the Young Generation Program of the conference.
This Special Session will focus on an overview of the latest status, issues and challenges in Fukushima after the accident. You will be exposed to first-hand information from a well-known but young sociologist observing the situation in Fukushima for a number of years.
Following this session, we will hang out to the historical district, where we can enjoy the typical atmosphere of Kyoto and nightlife, for the networking dinner on Wednesday, 26 April 2017. Those who wish to come to the networking dinner, please send your name and contact information to by Wednesday, 12 April 2017.

Student and Young Generations Award Winners

Best Student Presentation Award
Xiaoyong Ruan, Kyoto University
Coupled 3D CFD and FEM Assessments of RPV Stress Intensity Factor during PTS Events

Outstanding Student Presentation Award
Kota Kawai, Tokyo Institute of Technology
Effective of High Burn-up Operation of LWR and Extended Colling Period of Spent Fuel on High-level Waste Properties for Vitrification and Storage

Elena Martin Lopez, CEA Cadarache
Numerical and Experimental Validation of the Performance of an Electromagnetic Pump for a Sodium Fast Reactor

Dorel Obada, Institute de Radioprotection et de Surete Nucleaire
Assessment of Medium-term Radioactive Releases in Case of a Severe Nuclear
Accident on a Pressurized Water Reactor: Experimental Study of Fission Products Re-vaporisation from Deposits (Cs, I)

Hong Hyun Son, Hanyang University
Enhanced Pool Boiling Critical Heat Flux with Cr-sputtered Superhydrophilic Metal Surface

Best Young Generations Presentation Award
Kenta Murakami, The University of Tokyo
Improvement of In-situ Transmission Electron Microscope Technique for Analysis of Cascade Damage

Outstanding Young Generations Presentation Award
Melany Gouello, VTT Technical Research Centre
Combination of Ozone Feed and Wet Electrostatic Precipitator: Experimental Study of an Innovative System to Filter Gaseous Iodine and Iodine Containing Particles

Hiroki Koike, Mitsubishi Heavy Industry Ltd.
Application of Hybrid Resonance Self-shielding Treatment Based on Integration of Equivalence Theory and Ultra-Finegroup Calculation

Yuki Honda, Japan Atomic Energy Agency
Probabilistic Risk Assessment Method Development for High Temperature Gas-cooled Reactor (5) Accident Progression Analysis

Abdoul-Aziz Zakari-Issoufou, Institute de Physique Nucleaire d'Orsay
Americium Early Transmutation in Thermal Reactors: An Option to a Better Nuclear Spent Fuel Management